Mastering knowledge by three dimension models, also with electrical power to let them run, fly, move and...
Getting learning by videos and brochures, we help you in understanding knowledge by two dimension animations.
Just enjoying the DIY process and fulfilling your achievability when you got it.
Autopilot and suspension, differential, steering, clutch, gear boxes, engine...
Industry and housework artificial intelligent machines.
Human look-alike robot such as R2-D2, BB 8 in "Star Wars" and Transformers.
Fly as you wish, auto self-photograph as you like.
Core of of AI Machines, get key motor control technologies.
Enjoy craft experiences in virtual creative space.
Just help yourself!
If Learning were Coffee...
Let's tell AI by stories.
Become the basis of virtual goods in
an emerging generation of design and experiences.
Use AI to design microchips and
generate code that power the metaverse.
Transit from looking at computers from an outside perspective to a future where we’ll occupy virtual space and live in a world where digital is all around us.