
Difficulty in this footage

Duration: 3 min 26 sec

Added: Mar. 26th, 2022

Category: Learning


Platform: YouTube Bilibili

ARM fulfils Arms

No matter an autopilot electro mobile which will be our third room besides our home and office, or an ornithopter and a drone, no matter an industrial robot arm and a smart housework appliances, or a human look-alike droid such as R2-D2, BB 8 in "Star Wars" and a Transformer, it is the CONTROLLER that performs all their functions.
The controller is their CORE. It is both hardware and software with algorithms, just like our human’s brain with wisdom and soul.

Motor Control
-  DC motor
-  Servo motor
-  Steering motor
-  LEGO Power Functions Motor, Boost Motor, MINDSTORMS EV3 Servo Motor
Swarm Intelligence
Human Machine Interface
Hardware and Software
Design and Learn


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